Hello from Oregon
Glad to be here. I live in Oregon, and I am a Oregon duck fan, hence my moniker. Good to have a forum for Clan Lamont. My Mum was a Brown, from Souix City, Iowa. Sometime I would like to research some of my roots, to see where I come from, so to speak. Donn
Kilted duck
Hello other Lamonters!
I live in Canada's Northwest Territories. My ancestors were Blacks from Belfast. I did not know that Black was a sept of Clan Lamont until I came across a letter written by one of my ancestors to the clan chief back in 1723. I was always told by elderly relatives that we were descended from O'Neills (Mac...
Christopher Davis
Hello from Delaware
Hi, my name is James Turner, I'm a new member and new to kilting. Bought my first kilt in March (US Forces) wore it twice , at church for Kilt Day and to a veterans program in another town. I'm looking for a Lamont kilt modern or weathered, I can't wear wool. Very glad to be a member of the Clan. Thank you. ...
Hello from Utah
Hi everyone, my name is Dan Lamont. I am new to the forum and glad to be here. I live in a small resort town in SW Utah called Moab. An outdoor recreational spot. I have been actively going to Scottish games/events for over ten years, getting to 3 or 4 a year. Each year we plan for a long haul to anot...
Another Oregonian
I'm Dot Hosking Huntley from southwestern Oregon and a dyed in the plaid Duck fan. My great grandfather was John Lamont from Prince Edward Island, Canada. His father was born in Uig, Isle of Skye, and emigrated to PEI in 1803 as part of the Selkirk Settlers. Have visited Uig once and, of course, want...
Greetings from SE TN
Hello, from Chattanooga, TN! My grandmother was Eunice Octavia Young Teagarden of Knoxville, TN, who was a descendant of Andrew Lamont Young. I am a member of the Andrew Lamont Young Society. I have been to Larne to the house of Andrew Lamont Young two or three (thwarthy) times in the course of going t...
Hello form North Texas
I hang around Ren Fairs. Actually hang around is a bit of an understatement since my wife and I normally get season passes to the local one and go to several others during the year.It is kind of a requirement when you have a wife who has a masters in history (English renaissance). I checked out my paterna...
Buenos dias, ya'll!
Hi there! I'm Victoria, the New Mexico Commissioner. I'm a Lamont on my da's side and a Hamilton on my mum's side. Discovered the connection just by chance and seeing that our last name is actually a sept of Lamont....and it's been all downhill from there! Anyone else here from New Mexico? And if anyon...
Clan greetings from Charlotte, NC SE Region
I am glad to see this new forum for those interested in sharing about their family and interest in our Clan Lamont. Our clan is a great way to make new friends and learn about your extended family. Communication is always a good thing to keep the interest up! I have been searching for my Luckey line for...
A big hello to all my fellow Lamonts and kin.
Vincent Lamont here in Philadelphia, Pennslyvania. My grandfather was James Lamont from Coleraine, Co. Derry, N. Ireland. Our family was from Ballycastle, County Antrim, N. Ireland before Coleraine. And Scotland a few generations before my grandfather. I am related to the late Bishop Donal Lam...
GREETINGS KINSMAN from Jason Lamont from Australia
I was bleesed to go to the clan gathering in 08 and really felt I had found long lost family members and it was refreshing to see where my clan lived fought and died. my kin migrated in 1842 for Australia, a widow and 3 sons I went to the churchs where they were married and baptised I considered the heart ach f...
Jason Lamont
A New Englander Logging In
Greetings and Salutations from Boston, Massachusetts. Some day I will connect Edward Browne (1590 - 1650) who married (1627) Faith Lord (1610 - 1679) back to the Lamonts. I have been at this brick wall for some time now....Some how English Clerks do not know where the records went to.... and other su...
Steve Brown
New member saying hello
Latha math dhuibh! Just a brief introduction, my name is Taylor Darley and I'm a descendant of John Lamont and Mary Young Lamont. (By way of my father's maternal line, his mother's maiden name was Young) A bit of the history can be found here: http://www.geocities.com/charryoung/early.html (not m...