If anyone doesn't like me posting these things here please let me know, I just like showing my things to others, but I don't want to offend anyone.
I just finished these ( among other things ). Trying to get a bunch of stuff done up for upcoming shows as well as online stuff,...... and I am NOT complaning!! Oak with elk prong handles and some knotwork carvings. Hickory with Woodspirit ( Waldgiest ) and knotwork.
Woodspirit or Walgiest ( German word.....wood-ghost ) comes from long ago....here is the Wikipedia version: The term Waldgeist is German for woodland spirit, believed by ancient pagans to be the custodians of the forest. The Waldgeist spirit was believed to live in the forest and be the protector of those with 'pure spirit' who entered the forest. If you are able to spot a Waldgeist in the trees it is said to be good luck.
A Waldgeist was often depicted in carved wooden form with leaves or twigs for hair and beard. They have a variety of forms the most common being an old man. It was believed that Waldgeists could foretell the future and were sought for this purpose. The term 'knock on wood' was believed to have originated with hunters and woodsmen who would upon entering the forest knock on a large old tree to awaken the Waldgeist to ensure no evil came to them. Waldgeist were known for their playfulness and mischievousness. They were known to like to play tricks on people but could also be good and would grant wishes if a person was felt to have a kind heart.
Wood carvings of the Waldgeist were often seen over doorways leading into homes to ensure no evil entered. Many variations of the name of these carvings are; woodwose, wood spirit, wild man, savage man, tree spirits, green men and forest spirit.
Brotherhood of the Kilt member #133 Laird of the Hardwood
please keep posting... other than making me feel inadequate , I love seeing them. It is good to see what us Lamonts can accomplish in any endevor...sports, family, crafts, work, etc. I can't imagine anybody complaning about your woderful talent.
George Young CLSNA Senior VP Seanair agus Seannachie