A new clan established by Professional Santa Performers.
There are so many things wrong with that statement. This is cute and harmless I suppose but I kind of feel like it's a bit of mockery at the expense of our ancient heritage.
What's next? Clan Clown Shoes established by Professional Carnies?
What's more they are distributing handouts that say they have been officially recognized as a legitimate Clan by the Lord Lyon Court! I can't believe that could be true and there is no reference to it on the "Claus" webpage that I can find.
I don't know why this is raising my pulse but I wanted to vent about it.
David Patton President Clan Lamont Society of North America
The paintings, poetry and music Are all merely water drawn from the well of mankind And must be returned to him in a cup of beauty So he may drink And in drinking, come to know himself. --Lorca
I know what caused it! They've been eating "that soup"! It's caused them to become addled!
It's just against nature! Against nature, I say!
The paintings, poetry and music Are all merely water drawn from the well of mankind And must be returned to him in a cup of beauty So he may drink And in drinking, come to know himself. --Lorca
We met this chap at Blairsville, and my daughter went crazy! She insistedwe talk with him. He was a nice chap, his kilt belt-buckle had SANTA on it and his pin on his plaid had a reindeer on it. Very cool fella.
Brotherhood of the Kilt member #133 Laird of the Hardwood
Before you read my ramblings please understand that I mean no harm and am not trying to ruffe any feathers...wit that said , read on:
I am member of a forum called Clan Ootland, we know we are not a clan, its just a name that was chosen by the people that started it all. I also, like EoinDubh has stated,I have seen organizations use the term "clan" when what as actually was meant was to say "club" or other. Another is Clan MacBubba, which the name can make one think of rednecks. Is it true that to try to attain real clan status you must get your ducks in a row and go before the Lord Lyon? I don't see Clan Clause ( would it be more preferable to call it Club Clause, or Kilted Clauses?) going before the Lord Lyon anytime soon. I really don't think they are trying to make fun of our heritage either, if anything I think they may draw attention to it,and isn't that what we are trying to do?
Brotherhood of the Kilt member #133 Laird of the Hardwood
I know the one year we went to Grandfather, we camped on "the other side of the road" - the side that a fellow named Bear "opened" for us since there was a chain across the entrance. They called the group that camped there Clan McRowdy, but they didn't even have a clan tent or anything.
The proper camp ground was for RVs and campers, etc., not tent camping. The sites had electrical outlets and water, so there were many people there with microwaves, fridges, TVs etc.
The "other side" was tent camping with camp fires, etc. And a much more interesting group of folks, IOHO. For instance, there was Leslie, born in Edinburgh, I believe, who trained for the heavy weight wrestling event by drinking a fifth of Glenfiddich with beer chasers until he fell over. His reasoning was that he wold still be numb by the event time, and not feel anything. He was, after all, the heavy weight Champion.
OK, enough of this frivolity!
So, maybe the addition of the service organization category and area would help the games.
The paintings, poetry and music Are all merely water drawn from the well of mankind And must be returned to him in a cup of beauty So he may drink And in drinking, come to know himself. --Lorca
The real issue for me is the Lord Lyon claim. That's what got me hot. Go be Santa but don't put misinformation out there. Of course, it can't be verified that they actually printed that on their lit because no one I know snagged a copy but the source is reliable.
Plus it's true that Scotland doesn't own the right's to the term "Clan". Anybody can put Clan in front of anything. Taken by themselves each thing is very harmless. Putting them together in a Clan Tent area confuses people into thinking they could be a real clan with real historical connections.
This could be a cool new update to Miracle on 34th Street.
I've hosted enough tents and answered enough questions to know that many people could draw the wrong conclusion.
David Patton President Clan Lamont Society of North America
Apologies David, I somehow missed the Lord Lyon claim. Really don't know why they would want to make a bold faced lie like that part of their literature, knowing that in reality most of the people that are just walking through don't have a clue of who or what Lord Lyon does, with the exception of the people that have Clan tents and upon them finding out would probably cause some anger towards their claims and organization. If the literature does exist, that would mak the whole situation wrong indeed.
Brotherhood of the Kilt member #133 Laird of the Hardwood
No worries! I don't get on the soapbox very often. I let most things roll off but for some reason this one got to me.
I suppose it's because so many cultural traditions get lost through the generations. Not just ours but for the entire world. They get lost for a number of reasons and one of those reasons is distortion.
I was just worried that the 4th century Turkish Saint Nicholas of today is tomorrow's Santa Claus who lives at the North Pole with elves. Can that happen to our Clan history? Maybe. Not likely. I just want our history to remain dignified and not a watered down disney version. BTW, I love the movie and it did alot to raise awareness but . . . everybody already thinks Braveheart is real history. Where does it stop?
David Patton President Clan Lamont Society of North America